B.E.G, The Movie.

Ok so, after going through the internet for a while, I came across a production made by some teenagers in South Africa. It isn’t popular film (40 views or so) and isn’t well known. But considering what they had to begin the movie, and how they acted, I wanted to mention it here. It wasn’t too bad, it just needs a bit of work. See what you think. I enjoyed it,  and I hope you do too.



I read a article on this film today by the man who made it, and I would like to add to my critique of the movie in light of what is mentioned here:



Considering the new details about what these teens had to make the film, and the people who acted the parts,it is now quite impressive. Although I did have a few critiques in a negative light, I few a few positive ones too. The group is still a new one, so to pull off a 35 minute movie without a proper tech studio, one overhead microphone,only one camera, and using teenagers as actors, I must say that this is quite an accomplishment. Kudos to you dude and, if you are reading this, let me know when your next project is released at foysubmit@gmail.com and I might feature it on my new site. Good luck on all your future endeavours.


Your thoutghts