Gaming VS Movies

Greetings from the anonymity of our group, I trust you are all doing well and I hope you are all learning more about the world. Today's topic is to do with a rather huge part of my life, the world of entertainment.  I have been going back and forth on whether there is a real … Continue reading Gaming VS Movies

Interesting Facts about the New Years Eve 2016

Resolutions About half of Americans will make New Year's resolutions promising to change something about themselves in 2016. The most popular resolutions last year were to "stay fit and healthy," "lose weight" and "enjoy life to the fullest," according to Nielsen. About 16 percent of Americans said they resolved not to make any resolutions. One … Continue reading Interesting Facts about the New Years Eve 2016

Oxford is Older Than The Aztec Civilization

As early as 1096, teaching had already started in Oxford. By 1249, the University of Oxford had grown into a full-fledged university, replete with student housing at the school’s three original “halls of residence”—University, Balliol and Merton Colleges. Oxford isn’t the oldest university, not by a long shot. India’s Nalanda University had already operated for … Continue reading Oxford is Older Than The Aztec Civilization